On-site job start exchange was a success

Junior Staff Wanted - Fit for the Future at Hellma

Media frequently reports that the skilled trades lack apprentices and that many positions are vacant. To counteract this, the region repeatedly gives companies the opportunity to introduce themselves and present training opportunities, for example as part of so-called “Job-Start-Börsen”(job start exchanges).

Recently Hellma used this opportunity again and participated in the "Job Start Börse" in Müllheim. The great thing about it was that it took place in presence again. Hellma's trainers were delighted with the large number of people who visited the stand and are very pleased with the results. Those who could not attend live had the possibility to inform themselves online.

Hellma offers various training opportunities. One of the special kind is the training as a precision optician. It is obvious why motivated and enthusiastic young people are needed in this field. Whether it is the production of a simple glass cuvette for routine measurements in the laboratory or a cytometer cuvette with a microchannel of 50 x 50 µm - dexterity and highest precision are required in any case.

The profession of a precision mechanic was also presented during the job exchange event. Among other things, this apprenticeship requires the utmost care and precision, because in the manufacture of devices that are later used in production for the manufacture of metal parts, for e.g. optical probes and measurement cells, it is not only the millimeter that counts. Here, too, work is performed in the micrometer range.

Whether precision optician or precision mechanic - both apprenticeships are exciting and versatile. With its own apprenticeship program, Hellma ensures constant availability of skilled workers who can continue their development in the company after they have finished their training.

Hellma can look back with pride on many years of training and many "apprentices" and, with its own specialists, can also look confidently into the future. 
This is another reason why Hellma can guarantee its customers that they will receive accurate and reproducible measurement results when using Hellma products and that Hellma products can be trusted.


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