Checking the spectral resolution with UV/Vis reference materials

Regularly checking the spectral resolution of spectrophotometers ensures, for example, that neighbouring peaks are resolved and not superimposed on the peaks of bordering wavelengths. This also prevents absorbance errors.

For wavelength and absorption measurements, the resolution of the spectrophotometer must be considered. For high-resolution spectrophotometers, the spectral bandwidth should not exceed 10% of the natural bandwidth of the measured peak.

Filter Set for the Control of Resolution:


Two peaks are deemed to be resolved separately if the minimum absorbance between them amounts to less than 80 % of the peak maximum. A spectrophotometer’s spectral resolution is very closely connected to the correct slit width setting and characterized by its ability to resolve (recognize) two very closely related peaks. The smaller the slit and corresponding spectral bandwidth, the higher the resolution.

Optical Reference Materials (Brochure & User Manual EN)



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