
Hellma GmbH & Co. KG

Since 1922 Hellma is market leader and specialist in optical glass and quartz glass manufacturing for laboratory purposes and optical analysis. Today Hellma is also an independent solution provider for several branches where analytical measurements are needed.


Hellma GmbH & Co. KG

The facility at a glance

  • Foundation: 1922
  • Location: 79379 Müllheim / Germany
  • Employees: 224
  • Production space: 5.600 m²
  • Export rate: 63 %
  • Business segments: Laboratory Supplies, Process Analytics, Spectroscopy Solutions, Services
  • Customer groups: OEM, system integrators, laboratory dealers, industry, R&D
  • Quality management system: DIN EN ISO 9001
  • Environment management system: DIN EN ISO 14001
  • Calibration laboratory accredited* by DAkkS according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

*) The accreditation is valid only for the scope listed in the annex of the accreditation certificate D-K-18752-01-00  

Our Mission

The brands Hellma Analytics and Hellma Solutions stand for assured measurement results in the field of optical analysis. Thanks to the outstanding performance level and consulting expertise, Hellma is the favored partner for manufacturers and end users around the world. Customer-driven services and close contact to the market with worldwide sales companies assures a value-orientated portfolio. Talk to us about your project - we gladly support you in realising your ideas.


Board of Directors and Management

Managing Partner and Director

Lutz Mayer

Managing Director

Holm Kändler

Director of Sales and Chief Sales Officer (CSO)

Dr. Winfried Gaschina

Chief Financial Officer (CFO) and Head of Human Resources

Ulf Heisterkamp

HR Generalist

Katharina Bösch

Chief Market Strategy Manager

Paula Sartorius


Our corporate policy

Hellma cuvettes have been the world-renowned benchmark for quality for many years. This high standard of our products is a great commitment for the management and employees. We are aiming to expand our market leadership for cuvettes and set the same goal for our new product groups. Our manufacturing processes have a high degree by the education and skills of our employees. We are aware of the associated requirement for continuous personnel development.


Cornerstones of our quality management


Our high-quality standards do not only apply to our products. Every single service we provide to our customers – whether support and consulting, information and advice or the handling of complaints – follows the same principles. Our goal is a consistently positive image, all over the world.


As part of the continuous improvement process at Hellma, every employee is encouraged to participate in the further development of the company. In addition to our general employee suggestion system, we also specifically support a constant process improvement scheme in one's own work area. Improvement teams of different composition are working actively on the optimization of their own work processes. Thus everyone gets involved and a continuous flow of new ideas will be created that helps us move forward together.


To achieve this, we also live this approach within the company. The internal customer-supplier relationship between company divisions or individual employees follows the same quality standards. Only this way, the sum of the individual company processes can achieve the desired high quality for our customers.


We are certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. The calibration of certified reference material is performed using state of the art technology according DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 and under consistent adherence to impartiality. Together with the quality management representative, a skilled and motivated team of internal auditors monitors the continuous execution of the defined management system. But the auditors do even more: Together with all employees they fill the system with life, maintain it and continuously develop it further. This makes certified quality a vivid part of the Hellma identity.

We take responsibility for our environment

Entrepreneurial actions have always an impact on the environment. That is unavoidable. Our concern is to shape the consequences of our actions as positively as possible for the environment. We treat natural resources sensibly and sparingly. When optimising our processes we always also look for economically viable alternatives, in order to reach the same goal in an environmentally-friendly way. We monitor our business practice and our products according to the effect they have on the environment. Wherever we recognise potential for improvements, we implement these consistently.

Acting responsibly towards the environment requires a holistic approach. Making this comprehensible is one of our primary concerns in the initial training and further training of our employees. A comprehensive environmental management system according to DIN EN ISO 14001 is firmly integrated into our management system DIN EN ISO 9001. In this way we commit ourselves to adhere to all environmental regulations and to communicate openly with the authorities: our environmental manager monitors the implementation of our environmental policy as well as our adherence within the company to current environmental laws. Together with our management team, he continuously develops the environmental management system.

That is how we understand the big picture of entrepreneurial actions.



Worldwide Hellma facilities


Hellma GmbH & Co. KG
Klosterrunsstraße 5
79379 Müllheim

Phone: +49 7631 1820


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Hellma Materials Sweden AB
Saabvägen 5
461 38 Trollhättan

Phone: +46 73 920 98 67


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Hellma Materials GmbH
Moritz-von-Rohr-Straße 1
07745 Jena

Phone: +49 3641 2877 0


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